目前分類:Thoughts 想法 (140)

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   Today is a complicated day, I almost feel each kind of feeling today. It's been some leftover frustration carried forward this morning. I started to think what the teacher said was true. We isn't unite... So I started my day a bit imbalance... Plus I have to do things that I shouldn't do because it's should be some other people job...

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    Dear readers, my mood is really "recovered". Anyway, an interesting fact: I mix more with girls rather than guys since F6... The girls are nice, friendly and kind of concerning... Not to say the guys are not... but somehow they will just leave it like "you can take it yourself or sort of..."

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    我喜欢上学因为我会变成无所不能... 无论多难懂的课,我都会明白... 无论多么多的功课,我都会做完... 就算我还有很多其他的事,我都会完成, 就像是一个超人。 那个的我是一个享受自己的我。平时的我,会是一个很迟起床,无所事事的人,只有玩乐... 我会感到迷茫,会胡思乱想...

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   Forgive me to blog using chinese again because this piece of thing came into my mind in chinese, it will be slightly different if I translate it into english...

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  这几天走了很多地方,看到很多情侣, 或许本来就很多,只是最近变得非常注意。 回到家后,上网阅读了几个人的部落格, 巧合的是这些人都在热恋中, 又一次让我看到恋爱的幸福和甜蜜。然而, 在这些甜蜜的拥抱、 牵手、 亲吻隐藏着许多未知素。 到底这些热恋的人可以持温多久? 彼此之间的完美印象几时破灭? 幻想何时会因现实而破碎? 

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    I had never blog about FOOTBALL here. I'm going to do this today. I used to be avery hardcore football fan 2 years ago where I will follow matches even it's in midnight but... Now, I seem to be following football highlights than matches. But today I did woke up for the football action in ROME.  A final between Manchester United and Barcelona, I'm a Man Utd fan.

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    大家又听过〈歌仔戏〉这个词吗? 〈歌仔戏〉或者闽南语Gua Hi, 其实就是一种福建式的歌剧Opera, 化浓妆,穿古装演出一些故事,不一定是真正历史记载的,但却是有一定背景及被世代传诵的故事。  今天,我要分享的故事就是原自歌仔戏。

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  • May 22 Fri 2009 14:56
  • L6B


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    今天,决定用华语来写今天的生活。 终于有一天,我可以完全轻轻松松的过日子,所以今天我不停地在唱歌。 突然脑海里闪过了一个问题,或许也是很多人也想问的问题: 为什么我喜欢唱歌???

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Day by Day, I'm feeling more and more tired mentally. I'm always like to try something new. I'm always like to try something new by myself. And I could have knew it long time ago that trying something is defintely a different stuff with making something well performed.

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    今天发现手机短讯快爆了,原来收了很久短讯都没有删除, SPM那时开始!!! 阅读到一些短讯就勾起许许多多的回忆,有好笑,有无聊, 有生气也有悲伤的。

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    好吧! 今天就和大家分享一下本人最新的一种体会。 可称之为“恋爱观”!

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听着五月天的《突然好像你》, 原本不停的在写着《Honesty》剧本。 突然真的很真诚的感觉涌上心头。 点击了所有朋友的部落格。发现原来我跟不上的东西很多,不知道为什么会有一丝丝的悲...心里也有一丝丝的不舒服。 那些离开我了, 不再写部落格的人, 你们还记得远方有个人在想念你们吗? 我真的很想你们...

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  • Feb 19 Thu 2009 15:37
  • PMS


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