目前分類:Lantui in Pangkor 08 (9)

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    很久很久以前,有一个公主向往着无拘无束的生活,可以和自己喜欢的男子在一起,过着幸福简单的生活。很不幸的现实中发生的东西却完全不一样, 国王强迫公主要和外国来的大使结婚促进国家间的关系也让国王可以更加强大,攻占其他小国。公主当然不肯于是她便和国王坦白说出自己的心意但国王坚决地拒绝了公主。公主非常伤心,在一个深夜里聪明的公主便把仆人打晕,换上仆人的衣服逃出宫外。公主什么也不管就拼命跑、拼命逃,她忘了观察自己的方向, 她忘了她身上没有钱因为在宫里,她是一分钱也不需要用的。跑到天都亮,公主来到一个市集,市集里的人认不出公主。同时候,国王发现了公主不见了于是便下令无论如何一定要找回公主,否则全国加税,强拉男丁当苦力建城。

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    There's few things I don't like about this trip, mainly about some people.

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  • Dec 19 Fri 2008 14:01

    I joined Lantui club... It's actually aclub joined by useless people that like to drink and chat. Haha... They did allow people to free load them sometimes... I was really think it suits me... Wakaka... Lantui rox... Once a Lantui, forever Lantui... Lantui spirit go on!!!

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    One of the thing I earned in this trip was thoughts. The talked with the 3rd Uncle Toh was a great one. Live on this island for 50 to 60 years. For us, this island is just a place to travel, when we stayed here just for 3 days we already bored... But these uncles stayed here and watched this place changing for about half century... Their lifes weren't really easy here but you see the other way we people lived in big town don't have the mood to stay in our own land, protect it and stay with it. People wanted to move, wanted to migrate just for money and fame... We had everything, entertainment, technology but we still wanted to move... But people live on the island have just boats, sea, sky and beers to live.

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Day 4 of the Trip

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Day 3 in Pangkor

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Day 1 in Pangkor 

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