Recently had been reading book and articles relating pyschology, mostly related to human behaviours and their intentions.
And recently there are 2 drama series that I watching, both associatted to lies, crimes and human actions in covering truth.
There are a lot theories behind these actions, but they never get far away from the fact where human tell lies.
And my dear readers, you may now start to justify yourself by saying that you are one of those that always been cheated but not those who cheat.
I give you 3 seconds, 1, 2, and 3. Do you still sure that you don't tell lies?
Lies can be more than what you just think a lie is. A lie could be truth facts, partial true facts, totally wrong facts.Lies can be things that been modified such that particular real things are changed just to reach particular purposes.You can always change the venue, the time, the sequences of incidents, the party that involved, figures, amounts or even the degree of incidents.
Things that are not really a reality and been pass to another person is a lie.
And there are a lot common lies like sorry, thank you, I love you, I don't know, Oh I see... and things like these.Because people always just throw out words like sorry and thank you by the mean of settling incidents and call it done instead of sincerely do it. Just like couples, they always say I love you when they hear the other said I love you. It just like a set up program where you'll have to reply it this way or else you get a couple of questions and you need to waste more energy in creating answers.
I'm not saying everyone is not sincere but everyone did tell a lie for once or few times and we can really choose not to believe in others anymore or we can choose to identify which are lies and which are truths, or we can just create the biggest lie to ourself by asking not to care and not to think while we actually care and think more.
There is such field in pyshcology in studying human behaviours and actions to identify the truths behind because human always protect themself from allowing people knowing the truths.
We learnt about expressions but in fact a real expression only last less than a second ortherwise it's actually an artificial expression like what you see from the actors.
There may be people who asked why do people desperately want to find out the truths while the others are trying hard to cover them.It's pure simple, things that been covered may not be really bad but the person who covered it think it's bad and so he want to cover it up so badly. Just like when people said "I did not have any affair with anyone" while they are having one, they really meant that they know that affair is not good, and so they denied each and every charges regarding their affairs.
Reading and learning about pyschology, human behaviours and philosophies is fun. But it always bring me a message, that's exposing more to the complex human mind.I am an observant and now my observations will be much more "upgraded" with these knowledges that I learnt, by then everyone's intention and real mind is totally exposed.
Will I ever be that simple treating people anymore? I don't think so.
There is a game called mind games and once we are into it, it's hard for us to quit.
It's good to be an ignorant sometimes, so that you don't really been exposed to too much of complicated stuffs.
It's great to have someone love you, but what happened if you found that it's not really a "true" love? It just an illustration of situations.
And here comes another, like we think that people who are keen in religious activities are better ones, but when you check out the papers, when you encountered problems with them, you'll find it's not really true.
Things that seem wonderful end up it's not really even close to "beautiful". At least, beautiful has the look but not the uses.
Conclusion of the day, lies, water, air, food and shelters are essential elements in life...
but most of the time lies are there just for water, food and shelter. What's about air? When it's need to be charged, the lies will come in.
So reader, you are interested whether am I a lier? And here comes the truth...
Wait, did I tell you that study shows that whenever people said that "I tell you a truth" the following things that he said will never be a complete truth? Hmm...
You still want to know the truth?
Think twice.