Today is the first day of PMR. It was 3 years ago when I sat on this exam. It's quiet in school and I enjoyed this type of peaceful feeling.
I didn't talk much in class while everybody keep asking and finally I came up to voice out my mind "Is it a fault if I don't talk in class..."
I guess it's annoyed people when I don't talk but I do get annoyed when everyone ask me to talk.
Everyone demand while they never look at how much they demanded.
When I don't talk, I managed to follow up lessons, managed to clear the accumulated homework. Then why I must spend time talking?
AFter all, gossiping and talking about people ain't my cup of tea.
I don't mind talking during recess or after school but in class, I guess I will just talk when necessary so that I can focus on my work.
Today, quite success in doing cockroach specimen although fly's had some problem but I got a new one to replace today.
To do list, left reorganise maths and PA works.
Can catch a breathe for a moment or two. Finally.