Today, I started a bit on Bio but MPM took over my whole night. I tried to figure out the questions and the ways to solve them. Somehow, S class scrambled today and I expecting the same happen to my class tommorow.
Well, my class had already normal with copying reports so if everyone happen to be panic, then I will be one of those that have troubles because I can't listen what teacher say, don't know how to do and no one can borrow me to copy...
Since Form 6 started, I forced to do experiment alone, had been practicing that do earlier preparation... Obviously, I have no one to rely on while there are some people rely on me...
Anyway, like Tim said... I'm no longer emo like I did past few weeks... Troubles that seem to be troubles for others are no longer troubles for me... I'm now cheerful and happy. What I need is just some determinations to study...
Hope I will have that soon...
Recently, listening to Eason Chen's H3M Album... Found it's very nice. And yeah, I really enjoyed answering some old friends' phone calls... Thanks for the concern and some fun conversations that we had.
Today Bulan Penghayatan Merdeka is kind of success. Setia's Drama turns up well although I'm not involve,still happy about it... Well... Rakan Muda then Exam... After exam??? There's much things yet to be sure in life,at least mine... Entertainments? Car???Vacation???
Last time I used to impressed by those who never feel like in a relationship or like a person just like they are cold-blooded or sort of... HAHA. And now I'm a part of that group already... I shall impress myself.
Well, I looking forward to that day that I complete my degree or maybe a master... Who knows... Life will then be easier and people around me shall be always happy and lovely... For them, I shall try my best to concentrate on study especially this two years... I know study well doesn't mean success in life but there are professions that need study as part of them... So no choice.
Now... I have the feeling of doing a major in pharmacy and a minor in pyschology...