Today I went to primary school gathering... Yeah, it's organized by me... Again... I don't know the exact feeling I got... If asked me as I'm someone participated in this gathering, I will definitely say I'm extreme happy to meet so many old friends, talked to them, took picture with them, drank and ate together with them, it was a fantastic day.
If you asked me as I'm the organizer of this gathering, I will say it SUX!!! I said I'm a man that kept my words, I'm not!!! I've been organizing things since years from little outings, birthday parties, trips, farewell parties and now gatherings... How many dozen times had I said that I don't wanna to organize these stuffs?! There's always imperfect in these outings and some people will have not really enjoyed in these outings... *Sigh* I don't wanna be the one that fail to make someone happy... yet, I still picked the organiser job everytime... since no one wanted to do it and I think the best way to guarantee the thing go as smooth as it can is ...I take this duty, worked my ass for things and waited to be blame.
Just like today, just before I enter the restaurant, met an old friend, she was one of our ex-primary school student, somemore same secondary school, yet she was not informed for the gathering... I didn't not call her. Not to blame her friends or anyone that never ask her, but myself as the organizer, isn't it I should call everyone at least someone that been in same secondary school?! *Sigh* Things get worse when people keep asking me will someone coming or not and I have no choice but to say no or even asked who was that... It's such a failure!!!
Then the remaining friends that got together actually changed, growed and I have to say became stranger and formed groups... As an organizer or "tour guide", I really think I have no idea for anything to do and get this different groups of people agreed on doing same thing such as "walk to the cinema, queue up, buy the ticket and watch movie together..." So what I planned was just eat then go home but people never satisfy what they got... Isn't it? People will start to ask what's next... and they hoped or actually thought you had prepared it... At this time, you will see people wanted to split and some wanted all to be together... Usually I will just say :" If you want to go, just go la..." but it's a gathering and moreover a farewell party... *Sigh* Have no choice but pull everyone together so that it would be so "cool" party...
Although some of them never say, but through their faces or actions, it's quite clear that they are out of patient... but what can I do? I can't just shoo anyone away right? Everyone will have different taste or style... Everyone will also carry different mood or objective when they come to a gathering... Some may just wanted say hi then goodbye... Some may want to sit together whlole day and chit-chat... I think it's always easy to be any of them but when you came to be the organizer... You had to equalise this two type of person which is... IMPOSSIBLE!!!
I don't really feel good when saw a bored face, or an out of patient expression... *Sigh* This why I preferred going out with one or two people or at least a group of peole that specifically like something or will do something like watch movie, skating, bowling, pool or just walk,eat,chat... but not as 10 or 20 people... Impossible to take care everyone. Honestly, I'm a human also, I will have a particular group of friends that I will be more likely to talk to them yet when organizing something if I do this, there's will be tons of people get leftout. So I wasn't really satisfy for what I got today... I was relieved when they agreed to have a seat in Gasoline... I came out, have a walk and chilled... Got back to Gasoline saw some of my old friends with the bored face, I just chatted with them and at least they did not feel they shouldn't came over here.
The problem I faced was not from anyone, it's just myself. Maybe I demanded too many but I think i really wanted to make everyone happy and it's quite clear that I failed. I failed to intercept the bouundaries between groups... should has mixed them other than just leave it... I know it's kinda hard to make everyone mix well since some of them really had some problems between each other when we are small kids.
I wouldn't give up organizing anything... because I'm still learning... I organized more than 20 stuffs... yet I still fail... So I will keep trying and trying... because each time I failed, the next time I do better... Next on, it's will be a steamboat for primary school gathering... I organized steamboat second time this time... Should be very familiar with the situation and place. Hopefully, everything will get smoother. Next on, will be my S5 "reunion" gathering... This time,will make it a friendly yet happy meet up...
At least today I feel glad when those that seems got "leftout" were quite nice to say that they will attend the steamboat dinner next week and also the I successfully brought presents that useful yet quite cute at very last moment. Seems that training was realy useful. Find me for ideas to buy present for your bf/gf or someone important. I seem good in this field...
GO!GO!GO!!! Never ever back off just because I failed...