Finally, today felt a bit better. Mentally and physically. Ok, let's see what happened today. Early morning was try to ask for permission to skip school, because it's just PJPK today, others periods are so not worth time-consuming... So early morning, Brian Loh forced me to check whether I'm choosen in NS (National Service), the result is a positive one. So I'm actually a candidate for National Service 2009. Not being as pessimistic as some others did. I feel positive towards it. I believe it's maybe a good experience though. But mum wanted me to skip it either by my whole stack of asthma report or any education purpose...

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             Saturday night me and family had dinner in one of the restaurant in SS2.  After having dinner, we went to shopping as usual. But around 9 something I start to feel something wrong in my stomach, but it's not those ordinary stomach pain, it's a feeling like very full... Full until that I felt like vomit. Then reach home. My mum faced the same situation. Both of us have these problems and we went toilet but we will be constipation and can't help to reduce teh stomach pain at all. So we suspect that the restaurant food are not clean.

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             Olympics opening ceremony impressed me. Introduce China to the world. From the earlier invented items to the cultural, the world now understanding China and probably respect China. Trained for 10 months, over 10000 people involved in the performances. They just showed to the world how great is China is and I'm proud for being a Chinese. Perhaps a civilize Chinese.

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             Deal! This sound like a bad word in Cantonese but I didn't mean it. Erm, it's actually meaning agree when you doing transaction or gambling. Yeah, I gambled, not for money or property. It's for...... Someone. When you know someone is quite embarrassed to talk to opposite sex or having the concept and mind not to talk with opposite sex automatically. Probably this not something good, you will have problems if you practice that. So I try to help her.

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             There are 3 classmates from my class had started a petition. I didn't sign it. I'm not really agree on every statement but I didn't comment much about that thing. I totally respect the freedom to came out ideas and questions. And I really impressed by the courage showed by 3 of them in coming out suggestions about the school face to face with teachers and board members of school.

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