Saturday night me and family had dinner in one of the restaurant in SS2. After having dinner, we went to shopping as usual. But around 9 something I start to feel something wrong in my stomach, but it's not those ordinary stomach pain, it's a feeling like very full... Full until that I felt like vomit. Then reach home. My mum faced the same situation. Both of us have these problems and we went toilet but we will be constipation and can't help to reduce teh stomach pain at all. So we suspect that the restaurant food are not clean.
These situation last for 3 days. So today I have to skip school because I'll have to go toilet often if I went school and I'll keep feel like vomit so it gave a feeling of very ill and geli when heard the sound of vomit. So I decided to skip school.
I want to apologize to my teammates in sejarah quiz. Because I don't know that I will be absent and I hope they will be able to find a replacement and all the best in the competition. Sorry!!!
- Aug 11 Mon 2008 03:06
Notification of Sickness of Blog owner