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I'm In

CH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

   I just read an article, it's about self-motivation... In this article, it's talk about having an interview section within our own self. It says this is actually quite good if you do it once in a while. Ask our self what's our interest now, the target of life, how do we feel toward our own life so far, happy or not. It is good in that way we can understand our own self more even some feelings that we stored deep inside our heart, at the same time we is able to analyse our own  slef, thinking whether we are on the right path and whether the path is the most suitable one for us...

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CH 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I'm sorry...Times is running out and I do know there are some sort of graduation papers or books that I haven't write and I can't write it. But I have msn,facebook,so I think o worries about how to contact me in the future. Anyway,I do have a blog.Come my blog then you know what happening around me.K?Anyway, I'll post my details here for you all to contact.

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