I'm sorry...Times is running out and I do know there are some sort of graduation papers or books that I haven't write and I can't write it. But I have msn,facebook,so I think o worries about how to contact me in the future. Anyway,I do have a blog.Come my blog then you know what happening around me.K?Anyway, I'll post my details here for you all to contact.
Personal Information
Name 姓名 : Chun Hui 俊辉
Birthday 生日 : 28/9 9月28日
Nickname 绰号:
1. Van (Because among some of my friends,they think I'm vain. Probably it's not good for them to call me like that directly and another reason is my size...And there's once I ran to meet them up so it's like a VAN... Lame)
2. 辉哥(Huigo) (Because my cousins and some close childhood friends used to call me like that.Because when we were small,we helped in aunty's restaurant.I used to be like a big brother and the waiters and waitress there call me like that.Sometimes friends will also call em like that,it's do make it feel like a gang.)
MSN/Facebook/E-mail/Friendster: mu_freestyler@hotmail.com
My Favourite 我的最爱
~Colour 颜色 : Black,White,Blue 黑、白、蓝 (Actually I doesn't have a specific colour I like,it's very depends on how it looks because they have so many different tone in single type of colour. Anyway,most of my shirts and things are either in black or white,or some sort of that series : silver...)
~Food 食物:Anything That's Nice.If you want me made it more specific, I'll say seafood,western food like chops and chinese cuisines for sure.
~Things To Do 事情: Eat,Drink,Sleep,Play,Online,Earn money,Writing,Checking Stockmarket and sometimes singing to release stress
~Ideal Place or Country 理想国家:Britain (England),France (Paris)or Portugal (Sintra).If in Malaysia, it will be KL or Penang. (I like places with nice view.Although I'm not a fan of photographing,but I do enjoy simple and relaxing life in a town or city with nice buildings or just seaside.)
~Ideal Occupation 理想职业:Bussinessman/Ordinary Manager/Free lance.(I do think I'll choose free lance if I was able to sustain life with it and get things taht I want. Being free and able to travel around.Sometimes writing,blogging or even singing and earn money.Not bad,I believe there's will be a lot different experience I can get from it.)
~Idols 偶像:
a.Singers 歌手: Michael Bubble,Aerosmith,Linkin Park,Queen,周杰伦,陶喆,王力宏,哈林,曹格, 萧煌奇,星光帮,星光2班,萧敬腾,戴佩妮
b.Actors 演员:Nicholas Cage+Will Smith (Both are good in making jokes and actions in movies),Heath Ledger (For the joker), Christian Bale (For his effort in all his movies (esp. The Machinist), 成龙, 甄子丹,洪金宝,李连杰,梁朝伟,刘德华,曾志伟,莫文蔚,
c.Others 其他:Thaksin(Brough Thailand to another level), Bill Gates(Microsoft),Warren Buffett(Richest Man+The Most Worth Employed CEO around The World), Larry Page and Sergey Brin(Google founders),
For others such as memory or personal messages,please tell me I'll write it special for you if you wanted even you don't have the paper or anything.