
In this world, I am someone who can sleep late...

Someone who always smile and greet people that I meet...

Someone who can play basketball for more than 4 hours...

Someone who can play sports for 6 hours a day...

Someone who have strong command english...

Someone who is good in debate...

Someone who don't pay attention in class that still score...

Someone who talk to everyone...

Someone who seem like know everyone...

Someone who seem mixing and having fun with all the girls...

Someone who extrovert and active...

Someone this and someone that...

Back to the bottom line, do anyone really know me?

I know myself, I am waiting... Waiting for something that I don't know what's that thing actually...

I try to be normal...

I try to be friendly...

All I try...

But still I feel that, this is not my world...

    創作者 CH 的頭像

    Talk the Talk 话话世界

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