
I will be back to Kampung. In fact, I'm worrying whether you guys will miss me. So a little mission for you Dear Readers... Are you guy? Are you a girl?

Now answer these questions...

1. Do you have someone that you like?
2. Do you ever feel like having that someone together with you?
3. Are you prepared for that someone?
4. Did you approach that someone?
5. And you suddenly gave up for reasons that you thought are the reasons?
6. Will you ever think that someone will be suffering???


As a guy, I heard the stories from girls and stories from guys. SOmetimes, I'll just stand on the girl's side. I found that girls always worry for the things that they facing especially relationship problems. Normally these came from the *Approaches* from the guys. Yet they felt confused because the guys are aggresive but then suddenly gave up and suddenly tackle again. The girls will don't know what to do.

Somehow then the guys will don't know why just pull themself totally out leaving the girls in misery. SOmetimes they said they are not good, not qualify, the girls wouldn't like them... but the girls never say so... The guys just like to guess and think too much.

While now, it's still hard for the girls to go after the guys... And so guys!!!Please don't think too much. When the girls show their interested and you already did the approaching part!!! Don't suddenly give up!!! It's very hurtful!

It's always normal for a girl to take a long time to think and consider since they may easily get hurt... while guys,what you have to do.. is juz think lesser and don't give up easily!!!

While if you are a girl... Try think leser. I'm always advice girls to hint the guys that you are interested that you are interested!!!

Believe me... Things will work a lot better if you think lesser and just go according your HEART!!!

This post is an advice. LOL. Ponder and think what you did and what you are doing... If you have someone you interested or like? Appreciate it as it's really a treassure in life!!!

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