21th Friday
Wake up early morning at 5 and start study bio, read 160 pages in 1 hour time and prepare to go school. Had the exams for bio and MUET. Finally exam is over. Had S&M seminar. In short, I'm not the ajk anymore but as the member I still can have the food.LOL. Later on, John (Keh Hau) and me went to Amcorp Mall. Jason (Yeong Shin) joined us too.
We joked and bought stuffs. I choosed the vegetables while others choosed the drinks and the flavour of the soup cube. We paid the money and walk around, had some drinks at Mamak Shop while waiting for 6th Form meeting to end.
It's about 3 something and around 4 we met Kheing Aik and Tim. John fetched Chern Lim and Yeong Shin home. While we put some stuffs at Laura's Uncle's house. Fei Ching and Laura stayed there. While me, kheing aik and tim headed to Taman Megah to get stuffs and bought stuffs.
Kheing Aik's grandma is kind enough to borrow the steamboat pot while me and tim went to buy some extensions and adapters. Really appreciate that I'm in F4 because they are generous enough to sacrifice as in giving out energy and money at the same time.
All the way back to school and stopby Chern Jung's house to give him a ride. Too bad. He was sleeping. Reached LAura's house at 5 something. Picked up stuffs and then Sue Long is here. Undeniable, the F2 don't like to work with him. Me? I started to change when I knew he staying alone. Anyway, Kheing Aik and Sue Long fetched Shining to Oldtown for her dancing class. While me and tim headed back and start working.
We packed some stuffs and start cleaning the floor. We took almost one hour to do the cleaning job. Before we can finish, Chern Jung, Jowynia, Fei Ching, Laura and Vi Yuen came and help us to clean the vegetables and prepare food. Too bad before me and tim managed to take bath. The girls came around 6 something. This signified my plan fails,epic fails and my project fails.
Things are prepared and everyone reached by 7. While waiting for the teacher to come, people camwhoring,playing and chatting.
Later on, we had Puan See and her family and started to eat. After that, they have some performances and games. Later, we started to clean and pack up at 10. Everyone went home respectively after that.
I really appreciate F4 and thanks them for everything they did.
This was an idea from Kenneth and Tim. Although they have reasons behind this but one of it are to have the ice-breaking among the classmates. We did allthe best we can already, we organised, we worked, we contributed the place, the energy and the money.
Although the effect isn't that good. People still grouped among their gang, enjoy chatting and playing among themselves and leftout the others. But yet we F4 started to make a change, while the others... did or didn't. It's no longer that's important, at least for me, I'm having a group of friends that willing to care and to share what they have with the others.
Thanks Yeong Shin
Thanks Fei Ching
Thanks Sue Long
Thanks Laura
Thanks Jowynia
Thanks Vi Yuen
Thanks Chern Jung
Thanks Jun Hong
for the help
Thanks everyone
that came.
Thanks Timothy.
Thanks Kheing Aik.
Thanks Keh Hau.
For everything that you guys did and the sincerity that within yourself to help people.
Honestly, after that night, I don't feel like having another party. I don't like the way it turns up. One gang here,one gang there. The party caused so much troubles while nothing much that change. Kheing Aik also think the next one will be worse. But as Tim said, if we are not into this, who will? Then things will get worse. So we will see how and react upon it.