
    Today, is kind of a normal day for me. But I did raised an issue... I said " Our class environment is not conducive enough for study..."

    I'm actually one of the earliest one who started all the jokes and laughters, but now I'm kind of regret. Because our class went way too far away from study though... Homeworks are getting more and more while life is getting busier yet I or We are not using our free time to do homework but play or chit-chat. This is not good... Some teachers already started to fed up or losing their patience with us.

    Exam coming... I found myself no mood to study... I myself definitely a factor but another factor will be due to the environment isn't conducive enough. Quite a number of people like me don't study or either preferred study alone. But when we faced problems, we cannot have discussions cause no one really into study.

    I enjoyed a fun and happy environment but anyway we attend classes for study... We cannot go in empty and go out empty. It's like now or never. If this two years screw up, then everything will have to be redo...

   Although I still get what teachers teaching, there are some people who don't... Well, I felt guilty when I caused that.  It's time for me to make a change at least do not drag people drown into deep sea. I'm the one started, shall be the one terminate it...

    Let's made jokes only during free time and not too much. It's time to balance the time to play and study. Otherwise, there are people that couldn't never get back on track.

Sorry, if I annoyed anyone... But this is a true piece from my heart and there might be people really just wnat to have fun... But for me, school is a place to study even though I don't like it, I'll do it... Because this is life.


There's an incident happened... During PA periods, there's presentation going on and we got questions... Somehow, our questions (not me but a guy...) annoyed some of our classmates but to be frank la... The presenters don't like the questions we asked, they thought we are trying to make a fool... But those are really our questions... And I don't like the presenters' attitude like they never care... "Refer the book yourself..." "It's not included in the chapter..." Come on la... If we can get everything we wanna know from textbook why should we have presentation... And I was really a bit pissed during the presentation... Because at first, I don't like this idea... Back to Form 2 time, we have to do this for geografi... For that term, I did damn badly in exam... When you just read from textbook, yourself don't know what is this and you expect the audience to know it by themself??? I hope the following presenters can do better... If not I really will be screwed up in PA and then my life will forever in dark cos a C in PA is enough to cause my STPM cert... I'm not having any issues with anyone... Just for the particular event (ie the presentation) and the role of the person in this event (presenter)... I don't like it. Because we are not supposed to be scolded because we don't understand if we do, I rather teacher teaches us instead of we teaching ourselves.

Yeah. Ahli Dewan Negara are actually senators that choosed by the Agung under advise of PM. They are not choosen in any election. And they are higher level than Ahli Parlimen (Ahli Dewan Rakyat).

A bit Dumb when the presenters happen to think that Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat are not in syllabus and they think we supposed to ignore this. Wow! Seriously, we need some changes.

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