
     三个月了, 是时候为我的部落格带来一个新主题。 这次的概念源自于做自己。 别人有的我不一定要有, 不比较、 不竞赛, 我就是那么简单的一个男生。 音乐、唱歌、 会吃香喝辣、 玩得尽兴、 无乐不作、 我就是做自己。 不告诉自己一定要快乐, 因为人总有难受的时候,只有习惯悲伤、寂寞、生气,把它们转化为一种能量,促使自己向前迈进寻找快乐泉源。你会妥协? 曾经尝过失败? 一个人夜晚独自掉泪? 为了生离死别而感到难过? 那证明你也是人。 在这里你会发现我常跌倒,因为唯有跌倒爬起来的人才有下次跌倒的机会。而跌倒越多的人,下一步就走得越好,因为他学会如何避免跌倒。 我不是神, 所以我有资格去生气、去抱怨,因为人需要宣泄!!!在这里,会有最真的我,最直接的观点, 因为我不要面具。

     The new concept for my blog this season will be Be Myself. Be myself because there are various type of people, I don't have to be one of them or a mixture of them. I just have to be myself, do things that I like, express my feelings as what I feel in heart. No pretend, no acting and no hiding. Everyone will have hard feeling once in a while, I wouldn't hide it anywhere, but showed it here because days by days, time after time, after all the feelings, I will grow and learn how to get these bad things away from me. Straight to the heart, the most sincere feeling will be all here. I don't need a mask like some people did.

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