- Jan 19 Mon 2009 14:15
I'm a Bad Boy!!!
- Jan 16 Fri 2009 14:26
“Life,it's in your hand!"
- Jan 15 Thu 2009 10:07
这首歌是我昨晚听到的,一向来不喜欢陈小春,但这首歌有进入我的心坎里,说出了一些埋藏了很久的感受。或者是因为深夜了,刚刚和她在msn谈完天后,她要走了... 这次我懂她要去哪里,心里头竟然想跟着她去,因为她一个人,她也害怕寂寞,叫我去陪她,那是不肯能啦,我们不可能的... 之后,听到了这首歌... 所以今天说的这个故事就和这首歌有着密切的关系。陈小春的《一定要幸福》。
- Jan 14 Wed 2009 14:08
When My Job linked With My Dream...
Today, I've been ordered by my mum to go Sunway shopping ALONE since I was off from work today, I wouldn't put the word "again"... So I asked my mum can I drive there because it's near and I don't have to carry heavy stuffs walk home, somemore I just not far behind from my license, but my mum threw out a strong NO!!!